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Today's young adults are coming of age in a tough economy, on the heels of 30 years of declining economic opportunity and security for all but the most affluent and most highly educated. These changes are quite evident in Ohio, where the once-mighty manufacturing sector that provided better-than
Viany Orozco
Amy Hanauer
Nancy K. Cauthen
[RELATED: Read Demos' Letter in Support of the SAFE Banking Act, here.]
Americans for Financial Reform

Congress now has the opportunity to erect new public structures guaranteeing stability, transparency and competition in banking.

Testimony and Public Comment
Heather C. McGhee
The Great Recession of 2008 and its after-effects still are radically impacting the lives of millions. While men initially bore the heavier burden, women are now increasingly falling victim to unemployment, fore- closure, and eviction. Low-income women have been hit particularly hard. Women’s
Youjin B. Kim
Doing an internship while in college has become a near prerequisite for obtaining a good job.  Yet internships are often out of reach for low-income students because most of them are unpaid. This report outlines the limitations of the current college internship system, and proposes the creation of
Kathryn Anne Edwards
Alex Hertel-Fernandez
Nancy K. Cauthen
Economic Policy Institute
Taxes support the government services that undergird the quality of life Americans enjoy. As communicators, we must promote this unique and foundational role that taxes play. We can do this by explicitly communicating the relationship between the purpose of taxes and the well-being Americans
Public Works Partnership

The No Representation Without Population Act would correct within the state of Maryland a long-standing flaw in the decennial Census that counts incarcerated people as residents of the wrong location.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright
This fact sheet includes a brief overview of why paying for college has become so difficult. Suggestions for how college students can lower their own college costs and information on public policies that can make attending college more affordable are included. TOP FACTS:
Policy Briefs
Viany Orozco

The era of deregulated finance has shown that without public structures to ensure accountability and fairness, the system can not sustain itself.

Policy Briefs
Heather C. McGhee
Tamara Draut
Authors R. Michael Alvarez (California Institute of Technology) and Jonathan Nagler (New York University) have analyzed the likely impact on voter turnout should Maryland adopt Same Day Registration (SDR). Under the system proposed in Maryland, eligible voters who miss the current 21-day deadline
Policy Briefs
Jonathan Nagler