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Hundreds of thousands of families lost their homes because of loans that were often not fully explained or under¬stood. Beyond the Mortgage Meltdown distills the origins and nature of the crisis in the housing market. Senior Fellow James Lardner highlights the complicity of regulators and lawmakers
James Lardner
Allow me to thank the Chair and members of the Committee for this opportunity to testify before you today on Bill 18-345, the “Omnibus Election Reform Act of 2009.” I will focus my remarks on Sec. 301, the bill’s Same Day Registration (SDR) provisions.
Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó
Same Day Voter Registration (also known as Election Day Registration) permits eligible citizens to register and vote on the same day. This fact sheet outlines some of the advantages of Same Day Registration, particularly its impact on voter turnout and its potential to ensure that every vote is
Policy Briefs
Steven Carbó
Regina M. Eaton
It is becoming increasingly difficult for Americans to achieve and sustain a middle-class life. The costs of homeownership, healthcare and a college education have soared, while incomes have stagnated. According to the Middle Class Security Index, a measure developed by Demos and the Institute on
Policy Briefs
Jennifer Wheary
Today headlines are filled with stories of middle-class families struggling to survive the current downturn. But the problems of middle-class families did not start with the recession. Between 2000 and 2006, the number of middle-class families that lacked economic security grew from 19 to 23 million
Policy Briefs
Jennifer Wheary
Thomas M. Shapiro
When Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) in 1993, its goals were to "increase the number of eligible citizens who register to vote in elections for Federal office" and "protect the integrity of the electoral process." Yet, while most states created effective programs for mail
Policy Briefs
Lisa J. Danetz
Michael Slater
Dear Senator: I urge you to support S. 414, the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009, which is expected to come before the full Senate in the coming days. The legislation, introduced by Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT), would outlaw several abusive
Testimony and Public Comment
Tamara Draut
The New York State Senate Committee on Elections began a series of public hearings on a package of election reform proposals. The second hearing — taking place in New York City — includes testimony showing the potential for increased voter turnout from Same Day Registration, by Steven Carbo, Senior
Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó

Testimony of Democracy Program Director Brenda Wright before the Boston City Council on Campaign Finance Reform

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright
Dear Representative and member of the Financial Services Committee: The undersigned consumer, civil rights, small business, investor, community and labor organizations representing tens of millions of Americans strongly urge you to vote for H.R. 627, the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act (Rep
Testimony and Public Comment