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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Testimony of Demos Counsel Lisa J. Danetz before the United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Elections on the challenges the National Voter Registration Act presents to public assistance agencies.

Testimony and Public Comment
Lisa J. Danetz
We have analyzed the likely impact of adoption of Election Day Registration (EDR) by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Policy Briefs
Jonathan Nagler
Testimony of Demos Democracy Program Director Stuart Comstock-Gay before the Nebraska Legislature's Government, Military, and Veterans' Affairs on Election Day Registration.
Testimony and Public Comment
Committee notified of suppressive tactics implicit in state noncompliance with NVRA Section 7. 
Testimony and Public Comment
Miles Rapoport
Maxine Nelson
As the next installment in the By a Thread series, Economic (In)Security uses the Middle Class Security Index to provide the first comprehensive portrait of the level of financial security enjoyed by African-American and Latino middle-class families. The findings show that, in the wake of fading
Tamara Draut
Jennifer Wheary
Thomas M. Shapiro
Tatjana Meschede

Twelve years since the enactment of the NVRA, states across the country have regularly failed to comply with public assistance voter registration requirements.

Policy Briefs
Doug Hess
Scott Novakowski

Testimony of Demos' Democracy Program Legal Director on restoring contribution limits in Vermont, delivered before the Vermont House Government Operations Committee on February 5, 2008.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright

By passing EDR legislation, Nebraska would be taking a major step towards expanding access to the democratic process to all Nebraskans.

Testimony and Public Comment
Stuart Comstock-Gay
In the Red or In the Black? looks at whether household savings serve to protect families from incurring unsecured debt, and in turn, whether the presence of unsecured debt acts as a barrier to savings and wealth accumulation.
Jose Garcia
Since the 2000 election, a historic effort has been underway in the United States to strengthen voting systems across all 50 states and to address obstacles to broader electoral participation. At both the federal and state levels, however, efforts to advance a reform agenda have been frequently
David Callahan