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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Available financial aid covers only a fraction of what community college students pay for their education.  To finance their studies, many of them enroll in school only part time and/or work more than 20 hours per week, strategies that increase their likelihood of dropping out. To help address this
Viany Orozco
New York State Senate Majority Conference Senate Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Apportionment Senator Martin Malave Dilan, Co-Chair of the Legislative Advisory Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment (LAFTOR) convened a public meeting on Tuesday, December 7 and
Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó
This guide includes strategies for defending public services and the revenues needed to support them. Produced during the anti-government, budget-slashing political climate of 2010-2011, this report advocates for affirming the role of public services, systems, and structures. It examines dominant
Public Works
Putting our nation on a path of broad prosperity will require generating new jobs, investing in key areas, modernizing and restoring our revenue base, and greatly increasing the cost efficiency of the health care system. Achieving these goals, however, will require an informed and engaged public to
Our Fiscal Security

A long-standing flaw in the decennial census counts more than 2 million people in the wrong place and undermines the “one person, one vote” principle.

Policy Briefs
Heather C. McGhee
Peter Wagner
From the standpoint of voter access and effective administration, the 2010 elections were in many ways a mixed bag.  There were a number of troubling incidents that occurred including voter intimidation and threats of vote suppression, and the structural barriers to voting that keep participation
Tova Andrea Wang

A picture of the current state of the private retirement system, why this picture bodes ill for the future of retirement in the country, and why that system needs reform.

Robert Hiltonsmith
Economic insecurity has become the “new normal” in America. Ten million Americans are out of work, and the vast majority of Americans have seen their incomes stagnate or decline over the past decade. Demos’ extensive research on credit card debt among middle- and low-income households has found that
Shawn Fremstad
Left out of the debate about the U.S.
Tamara Draut
Robert Hiltonsmith
For many years, health care costs have been steadily rising. As employers have moved into insurance coverage options with greater out-of-pocket expenses or have stopped providing health care coverage altogether, American families have struggled with the burden of health care costs. 
Jose Garcia
Mark Rukavina