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Kansas is considering a bill to require all voters to present government issued photo identification at the polls. It has more important problems.

Policy Briefs
Tova Wang
Jennifer Lohr
Testimony of Allegra Chapman Counsel, Demos
Testimony and Public Comment
We have analyzed the likely impact on voter turnout should Hawaii adopt Election Day Registration (EDR). Under the system proposed in Hawaii, eligible voters who miss the current 30-day deadline for registering by mail may be able to register to vote on Election Day. The availability of Election Day
Policy Briefs
Jonathan Nagler
Americans use credit cards millions of times every day. The convenience and utility of revolving credit has become a way of life for most families. However for some, it has also become a lifeline.
Policy Briefs
Jose Garcia
Jennifer Wheary
Hearing of the Hawaii House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary February 10, 2011
Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó

Missouri is considering a bill requiring all voters to present government issued photo identification at the polls. The fact that Missouri is introducing a restrictive voter identification bill is particularly unfortunate considering the legislature passed such a bill in 2006 and it was struck down

Policy Briefs
Tova Andrea Wang
Youjin B. Kim
Strong voter participation and engagement are fundamental to a healthy democracy. Efforts to restrict access to voting fly in the face of this important goal. Alarmingly, despite another midterm election in which nationally only 41 percent of eligible persons voted, many states are now renewing
Policy Briefs
Tova Andrea Wang
In order to reverse the troubling low graduation rates at our nation’s community colleges, low-income students must stop being financially penalized for attending these institutions. As this brief outlines, low-income students who attend community college receive less state and institutional grant
Policy Briefs
Viany Orozco
Lucy Mayo
Strong voter participation and engagement are fundamental to a healthy democracy.  Efforts to restrict access to voting fly in the face of this important goal.  Yet, despite another midterm election in November 2010 in which only 41 percent of eligible persons voted, numerous states are now facing
Policy Briefs
Tova Andrea Wang
Youjin B. Kim
Available financial aid covers only a fraction of what community college students pay for their education.  To finance their studies, many of them enroll in school only part time and/or work more than 20 hours per week, strategies that increase their likelihood of dropping out. To help address this
Viany Orozco