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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

The changes to the Board’s procedures contained in this Notice of Proposed Rule Making will make a modest but not insignificant contribution to addressing current barriers to the American right of collective bargaining. The proposal contains significant changes in two areas. First, it updates the
Testimony and Public Comment
Miles Rapoport
The American Dream is about working hard in return for decent wages, economic stability, and being able to provide a better life for your kids. But the kinds of jobs that can provide a solid middle-class life in return for hard work are in short supply in Texas. Unemployment is still high, earnings
Center for Public Policy Priorities
A mandatory government-issued photo identification requirement would clearly substantially burden the voting rights of the young, the elderly, renters, non-drivers, racial minorities, and the poor. It would also be used as a tool by groups hoping to intimidate voters away from the polls due to
Testimony and Public Comment

Our current system is characterized by long delays before needed regulations are issued.

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck
Coalition For Sensible Safeguards

We urge the CFPB to adopt a flexible, broad standard that can respond to changes in the marketplace.

Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Pennsylvania's middle class is in jeopardy. Once the home of a thriving manufacturing sector, robust union participation, and an example of smart policy choices and a stable middle class, the state has been caught in a downward spiral that mirrors unfortunate national trends. And though Pennsylvania
The Keystone Research Center

Now is the time for citizens, workers, employers, and policymakers to come together once again to rebuild pathways to the middle class, create good jobs with fair pay and decent benefits, and ensure that prosperity is broadly shared for the next generation.

Dear Attorney General Holder, We are concerned about the restrictive voter identification legislation pending or already signed into law in a number of states.  Download the PDF to continue reading.
Testimony and Public Comment
Washington's strong and vibrant middle class didn't just happen. It was built brick by brick in the decades after World War II-by the hard work of our parents and grandparents and the strength in numbers that came from the unions that represented them. Unions made sure that as our nation's wealth
Economic Opportunity Institute
The fear of poverty and outliving one's resources is an increasingly common experience among today's senior citizens. For millions of American seniors this fear is justified. In only four years, the number of seniors at risk of outliving their resources increased by nearly 2 million households
Institute on Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University