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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

"Until the Senate confirms a Director for this popular new regulator, the regulatory playing field will remain uneven."

Testimony and Public Comment
Miles Rapoport
Massachusetts’ strong and vibrant middle class didn’t just happen. It was built brick by brick by the hard work of our parents and grandparents and the strength in numbers that came from the unions that represented them.
Policy Briefs

Demos urges New York State to consider the home addresses of incarcerated persons in reapportionment so that the state can be free of the undemocratic practice of prison-based gerrymandering.

Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó
Even before the full impact of the Great Recession hit, seniors were seeing their retirement security steadily and rapidly destroyed. The elimination of secure pensions for most Americans combined with rising costs of basic expenses has resulted in a dramatic rise in senior economic insecurity.
Jennifer Wheary
Tatjana Meschede
Thomas Shapiro

Sen. Schumer cited Demos' work on the state level, particularly in Ohio, in his letter to the Attorney General.

Testimony and Public Comment
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)
We, the undersigned -- non-partisan, not-for-profit organizations that work across the country and in Texas to protect the voting rights of African-Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans -- write to oppose the preclearance of Texas’s Senate Photo Voter Identification law, Bill 14 (“SB14” or “Act”)
Testimony and Public Comment
American Civil Liberties Union
Asian American Justice Center

A Response to President Obama's Jobs Speech

Policy Briefs
David Callahan
Tamara Draut

A Portrait of the Middle Class

Policy Briefs
The American Dream used to mean that if you put in a hard day's work, you could expect good wages, benefits, and a better life for your kids. Today, the kinds of jobs that can provide a solid middle-class life in return for hard work are in short supply - unemployment is high, earnings are flat, and
Oregon Center for Public Policy
The changes to the Board’s procedures contained in this Notice of Proposed Rule Making will make a modest but not insignificant contribution to addressing current barriers to the American right of collective bargaining. The proposal contains significant changes in two areas. First, it updates the
Testimony and Public Comment
Miles Rapoport