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An Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2013 Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget 

Policy Briefs
David Callahan
Jack Temple

We don’t only have a jobs deficit in this country. We have a deficit of good jobs. Here's why.

Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Demos submits the following comments strongly supporting the proposed Department of Labor (Department) rule to amend Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)  regulations by extending minimum wage and overtime premium pay to nearly 1.8 million low-wage home care workers.  Demos is a non-partisan, non-profit
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub

By enacting H.B. 5024, Connecticut would become the 10th state to permit eligible citizens to both register and vote on Election Day and/or during the early voting period. 

Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó
Thank you, members of the Committee for this opportunity to present testimony. I am a Senior Policy Analyst in the Economic Opportunity Program at Dēmos. We are a national, non-partisan research and advocacy organization, established in 2000 and headquartered in New York City. The Dēmos Economic
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub

A Vermont Partnership Bank will generate new revenue for Vermont, save local governments money, and make our small businesses, farms and consumers less vulnerable to cutbacks in lending in our state.

Policy Briefs
Heather C. McGhee
Jason Judd

Same Day Registration (SDR) (also known as Election Day Registration) states have historically led the nation in voter turnout, with average turnout rates 10 to 12 percentage points higher than non-SDR states. In the high-turnout 2008 presidential election, SDR states led the nation in turnout by 7

Policy Briefs
Emma Stokking

By passing this proposed constitutional amendment, and laying the groundwork to enact SDR, Maryland would become the 10th state to permit eligible citizens to both register and vote on the same day.

Testimony and Public Comment
Liz Kennedy
Thank you, Chairperson Carroll and members of the Committee for this opportunity to present testimony. I am a Senior Policy Analyst in the Economic Opportunity Program at Dēmos. We are a national, non-partisan research and advocacy organization, established in 2000 and headquartered in New York City
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub

The Rise of Super PACs and the 2012 Election

Adam Lioz
Blair Bowie