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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Best-practice recommendations from “Got ID?” programs

Tova Andrea Wang
Common Cause
Lawyer's Committee For Civil Rights Under Law
Fair Elections Legal Network
La educación superior se ha convertido en un requisito básico para conseguir un trabajo con un salario decente y  para entrar en la clase media.  A la misma vez, esta licenciatura se ha puesto tan cara que no está al alcance de muchos de los jóvenes en Estados Unidos. El costo de ir a una
Policy Briefs
Viany Orozco
Demos welcomes the opportunity to submit comments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Notice and Request for Comment concerning the Bureau’s definition of larger consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) that will be subject to the CFPB’s supervision.
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub

African Americans remain disproportionately excluded from corporate and nonprofit board membership in New York City.


Americans’ lives, health and livelihoods would be put at risk if so called “regulatory reform” proposals now being considered by the U.S. Congress were to become law, slowing or stopping the regulatory process.

These dangerous proposals before congress include The Regulations from the Executive in

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck

Americans’ lives, health and livelihoods would be put at risk if so called “regulatory reform” proposals now being considered by the U.S. Congress were to become law, slowing or stopping the regulatory process.

These dangerous proposals before congress include The Regulations from the Executive in

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck
Alaska PIRG

Americans’ lives, health and livelihoods would be put at risk if so called “regulatory reform” proposals now being considered by the U.S. Congress were to become law, slowing or stopping the regulatory process.

These dangerous proposals before congress include The Regulations from the Executive in

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck


Americans’ lives, health and livelihoods would be put at risk if so called “regulatory reform” proposals now being considered by the U.S. Congress were to become law, slowing or stopping the regulatory process.

These dangerous proposals before congress include The Regulations from the Executive in

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck

Americans’ lives, health and livelihoods would be put at risk if so called “regulatory reform” proposals now being considered by the U.S. Congress were to become law, slowing or stopping the regulatory process. These dangerous proposals before congress include The Regulations from the Executive in

Policy Briefs
Ben Peck

A look at state disinvestment in public higher education

John Quinterno