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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

How Walmart has wielded its market power to change the face of American industry and lower labor standards in the retail sector.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub

Recommendations for the Special Joint Committee on Redistricting as it seeks to assess lessons learned after the 2010 Census and to set goals for the next Census redistricting process.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright
Peter Wagner

According to all available data, the voter participation rate of the first Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, is among the lowest of any ethnic group in the country. There are complex historical and cultural reasons that make the issue of voting among American Indians and Alaska Natives

Tova Andrea Wang
One of the most often-cited reasons for the STEM achievement gap is a lack of skilled and trained STEM teachers. The greatest percentage of under-qualified teachers at the K-12 level is found in STEM disciplines – 40 percent of high school math teachers and 20 percent of science teachers in high
Jennifer Wheary
Meghan Groome
Julia Rankin

Why over a lifetime, 401k fees can cost a median-income two-earner family nearly $155,000 and consume nearly one-third of their investment returns.

Robert Hiltonsmith

The report is timed to the two-day federal trial that starts tomorrow morning that will redraw Kansas’ legislative districts. If the Court were to adopt the House’s proposed map, Kansas would end up with a dubious distinction: having the nation’s most extreme instance of prison-based gerrymandering

Policy Briefs
Brenda Wright

Signed into law on May 22, 2009, the Credit CARD Act has benefited millions of households in ways that directly affect their monthly budgets.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub

In February and March 2012, Demos surveyed a nationally representative sample of 997 low- and middle-income American households who carried credit card debt for three months or more.

Amy Traub
Catherine Ruetschlin

The Voter Empowerment Act of 2012

Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy

What The Facebook IPO Really Says About America's Economy

Policy Briefs
David Callahan
Jack Temple