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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

In the last thirty years, our nation has experienced a paradox of productivity and progress. Productivity, driven by extraordinary growth in technology and an increased push towards consumption, has nearly tripled. Meanwhile social, environmental, and educational progress has stalled.
Policy Briefs
Tamara Draut
Robert Hiltonsmith

Social Security remains our nation’s key source of retirement income for most Americans. The program’s overall health is sound and with relatively modest tweaks to the program’s financing, we can strengthen the system for generations to come.

Policy Briefs
Tamara Draut
Robert Hiltonsmith
Testimony of Steven Carbo Roundtable of the Council of the District of Columbia, Committee on Government Operations and the Environment October 8, 2010
Testimony and Public Comment
Steven Carbó

Young adults in North Carolina and across the country are confronting an economic reality vastly different from that of their parent’s generation. Over the past three decades, economic opportunity and security for all but the most affluent and most highly educated has declined. Today, North Carolina

Policy Briefs
Lucy Mayo
Viany Orozco
Alexandra Forter Sirota
North Carolina Justice Center

In this report, we review a number of election laws and policies in 10 states chosen because they are expected to have close elections.

Common Cause
Recent federal action, including the passage of the Credit Card Bill of Rights of 2009 and the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, provided needed regulation and oversight of the credit card industry. However, past debt continues to haunt families even as they add on new debt. The
Policy Briefs
Jose Garcia
American Association Of People With Disabilities, Demos, Lawyers' Committee For Civil Rights Under Law, League Of Women Voters Of The United States, And Project Vote
Testimony and Public Comment

How the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will bring greater security to American consumers, investors and Main Street businesses.

Heather C. McGhee
Caleb Gibson
"We've got to deal with the conflicts. If I hire S&P or Moody's to be my consultant and show me how I can do this and that to get an investment-grade rating or [an] even higher rating, they obviously have a conflict of interest there." "That's right. I think the compensation model... where the
James Lardner
Work by Demos and its partners suggests that millions of low-income Americans can be brought into the political process through proper implementation of an often-neglected provision of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) that requires states to provide voter registration services to