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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

As with any big reform, the push for debt-free college has been met with pushback among a skeptical elite. We have answers for their major concerns.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
Findings of a national survey of 1,103 registered voters on their perceptions of higher education policy in the United States.
This report was produced in collaboration with Brian Schaffner, Professor of Political Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst and Jesse Rhodes, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Introduction
Sean McElwee
Election Protection Coalition Cites Demos Research in Urging Political Parties to Renounce Unwarranted Intimidation and Unlawful Challenges at the Polls Dear Party Leadership, We write in defense of the bedrock principle of our democracy: the right to vote freely.
Testimony and Public Comment

Quantifying the cost of climate change to millennials and their children, compared to a world without climate change.


Medical debt is a leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. This report analyzes the impact of medical debt on household finances and provides policy solutions.

Sean McElwee

How a Shared Definition of College Affordability Exposes a Crisis for Low-Income Students

Mark Huelsman

If nearly 70 percent of graduates are borrowing, 30 percent (including 35 percent of public college graduates) are not. Who are these students? What type of family or financial resources do they have at their disposal? What are their work habits? In short, what does it take to graduate debt-free

Mark Huelsman
Miami-Dade County in Florida has had its fair share of high-profile voter suppression issues. Whether it be long lines, canceling of Souls to the Polls Sundays, or voter registration restrictions, many of the issues have directly impacted the black community. However, there is a significant and
Sean McElwee