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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Why a return to a debt-free system of public universities and colleges would help revive the promise of affordable higher education regardless of one’s family income.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
Higher education has long been our nation’s primary lever of upward mobility. As a result, throughout our nation’s history, we have committed to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of cost, would be able to attend college. But that commitment has faltered in the last generation as states
Policy Briefs
Robert Hiltonsmith
Like every generation before us, Americans are coming together to preserve a democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people. American democracy is premised on the consent of the governed, and on the idea that we all deserve a say in the government  decisions that affect our families. We
Policy Briefs

The dominance of big money in our politics makes it far harder for people of color to exert political power and effectively advocate for their interests as both wealth and power are consolidated by a small, very white, share of the population.

Adam Lioz
Thank you Chairman Wolf, Chairman Scibak, and Honorable Members of the Committee for this opportunity to present testimony. My name is Amy Traub and I am a senior policy analyst with Dēmos. Dēmos is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub

The fast food industry is the main driver of compensation inequality in the most disparate sector of the economy, with a CEO-to-worker pay ratio in 2013 of over 1000-to-1.

Testimony and Public Comment
Catherine Ruetschlin

How the retail industry fails to meet the needs of the Black and Latino workforce.

Catherine Ruetschlin
Dedrick Asante-Muhammad

A comprehensive look at how the reality of debt-financed college impacts the whole pipeline of decision-making related to college.

Mark Huelsman
In today’s economy, a college education is essential for getting a good job and entering the middle class. Yet, despite this reality, college costs are rising beyond the reach of many Wisconsinites, and student loan debt has become a clear and present danger to both the Wisconsin and American
Policy Briefs
Robert Hiltonsmith

Popular theories for rising tuition like administrative “bloat” and student aid are at most minor contributors to tuition increases. Here's the real causes.

Robert Hiltonsmith