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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Ballot design should be simple and straightforward to ensure voters understand for whom and for what they are casting their votes. Ballots should be written in clear, plain language. Ballot design should focus on the ABCs: Accuracy, Brevity and Clarity. It seems almost too basic to have to state
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Overly burdensome photo ID laws add an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that disenfranchises millions of otherwise eligible voters. Photo ID requirements place tremendous fiscal burdens on states and localities. States should look to their constitutions to protect the freedom to vote from onerous
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy

16 policies and practices that would make registration more accessible and seamless, lead to more effective and efficient election administration, and strengthen protections for voters’ rights.

Policy Briefs
J. Mijin Cha
Liz Kennedy
Provisional ballots are not counted as regular ballots and should be used in only very limited situations. Provisional ballots cast solely because an eligible voter voted in the wrong precinct or polling place should be counted as a regular ballot for any office for which the voter was eligible to
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Nearly six million people are denied the right to vote due to felony offenses, even if they have completed their sentences. One out of every 13 eligible African Americans of voting age has lost their right to vote. States should not permanently take away the freedom to vote from any citizen. At a
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Language Access
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy

Voter intimidation and misinformation campaigns have significantly increased in recent years. They are toxic to democracy.

Policy Briefs
J. Mijin Cha
Liz Kennedy
States should ensure eligible voters can be added to state registration databases with fair, effective and uniform standards, and should only remove voters in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act and other applicable laws. Only election officials should be able to challenge the
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Making our election system function for all of our citizens should be a bedrock commitment of our nation. The current disparities by class and race in voter registration—and thus, voter turnout—undermine an essential tenet of our democracy: of, by and for the people. In order to address the current
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Same-Day Registration (SDR) allows eligible voters to register to vote and cast their ballots on the same day. SDR offers an easy, practical solution that works to fix many registration errors that can prevent eligible voters from casting their ballot.
Policy Briefs