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Voting is the bedrock of our democracy. In a government of, by and for the people, casting a ballot is the fundamental means through which we all have a say in the political decisions that affect our lives. Yet today, without substantial interventions, the freedom to vote is at great risk.
J. Mijin Cha
Liz Kennedy
The NVRA was intended to make voter registration widely available at agencies serving the public, and is an important tool for modernizing voter registration. Ensuring compliance with NVRA requirements increases voter registration rates, particularly among low-income populations. Expanding the
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
States should modernize registration procedures by allowing eligible voters to register to vote and update their registrations online. Online registration saves states and localities money. Registration rates among young voters increase with online registration. These days, bank transfers, credit
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
A person’s voter registration should remain valid when he or she moves within the state. Centralized statewide voter registration databases are essential to provide portable registration. Permanent and Portable registration helps narrow participation gaps among young people, people of color and
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Eligible 16 and 17 year olds should be pre-registered to vote and automatically added to voting rolls when they turn 18. Targeted outreach to young eligible voters leads to substantial increases in voter registration. Encouraging civic engagement at a young age leads to increased participation
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Third party voter registration drives are a critical component to ensuring eligible voters are registered. States should permit third party registration drives without restrictive limitations. Boards of elections should provide materials on voter registration to registration drives. The National
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Early voting allows eligible voters more time to review issues and cast their ballot. Early voting can increase voter participation. States should expand early in-person voting locations and adopt no-excuse permanent absentee voting. In a representative democracy like ours, the more people that
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
States should provide uniform poll worker training before Election Day to ensure Election Day runs smoothly. Polls workers should receive a uniform wage across the state. Poll worker recruitment should target public employees and high school and college students.  The formula for a well-run
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Ballot design should be simple and straightforward to ensure voters understand for whom and for what they are casting their votes. Ballots should be written in clear, plain language. Ballot design should focus on the ABCs: Accuracy, Brevity and Clarity. It seems almost too basic to have to state
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy
Overly burdensome photo ID laws add an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that disenfranchises millions of otherwise eligible voters. Photo ID requirements place tremendous fiscal burdens on states and localities. States should look to their constitutions to protect the freedom to vote from onerous
Policy Briefs
Liz Kennedy