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Problem: In the 2012 election cycle, state-level candidates and parties raised more than $108 million.1 All that money sways the decisions our leaders make from what’s best for New Yorkers to what’s best for big money donors, and the lack of transparency means we can’t see when money is driving bad
Policy Briefs

This report offers a comprehensive analysis of the fundraising and spending in federal races in the 2012 elections.

Adam Lioz
Blair Bowie
Middle-income Americans age 50 and older are carrying more credit card debt on average than younger people, according to Demos’ 2012 National Survey on Credit Card Debt of Low- and Middle-Income Households.1 That is a reversal of findings from a survey conducted by Demos in 2008.
Amy Traub
Joblessness imposes steep costs on millions of unemployed workers and their families, requiring households to continue meeting basic expenses without their former income.
Policy Briefs

Access to a post-secondary education is a vital aspect of the American dream, allowing for equality of opportunity and a stable pathway to the middle class for all who are willing to work for it regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.  Higher education not only improves the prospects

Thomas Sanford
Leah Reinert
This year’s holiday shopping season has started with a bang with 247 million shoppers (an all-time high and up from 226 million last year) spending an average of $423 each at local or online stores during the Thanksgiving Black Friday weekend.[4]According to the National Retail Federation, retail
Policy Briefs
Consumers Union

This Demos Explainer explores the tension between political support for deficit reduction versus job creation and economic security policies. 

J. Mijin Cha
This is the first article in the “Financial Pipeline Series,” which will examine the underlying validity of the assertion that regulation of the financial markets reduces their efficiency. These articles point out that the value of the financial markets to the real economy is often mis-measured. The
Wallace C. Turbeville
The share of workers without any retirement plan at work has risen dramatically over the past decade. The percentage of workers whose employer did not sponsor any type of retirement plan rose from 39 percent to 47 percent—a 21 percent increase.1 This alarming trend is a call to action for state and
Policy Briefs
Teresa Ghilarducci
Robert Hiltonsmith
Our nation is on the brink of a retirement crisis that could have severe consequences for both future retirees and society as a whole. The steady erosion in the voluntary employer-sponsored retirement system has made it more difficult for workers to save for retirement. This crisis will not only
Teresa Ghilarducci
Robert Hiltonsmith
Lauren Schmitz