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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify here today.
Testimony and Public Comment
Allie Boldt

A 50-State Look at Rising College Prices and the New American Student

Mark Huelsman

Comparing Tuition Then and Now At Our Elected Officials' Alma Maters


25 Federal Policies to Lift Up Working People


Demos Senior Campaign Strategist, Vijay Das, gave the following prepared remarks urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of protecting the freedom to vote. 

Testimony and Public Comment
Vijay Das

"We know this: the super rich and corporations don’t need a tax cut. The 1 percent are doing just fine."

Testimony and Public Comment
Vijay Das

President Trump should follow the letter of the law and allow the Senate to confirm a new Director of the CFPB. 

Testimony and Public Comment
Vijay Das

This report presents findings on the use of public transit by people of color and on the potential jobs benefits that people of color can gain from investments in public transit.

Algernon Austin
Thank you. My name is Allie Boldt, and I’m an attorney at Demos, an organization working to advance equality and inclusive democracy through advocacy and litigation. We’ve been partnering with CASA of Virginia and the Residents of Fairfax County Coalition to analyze how County policies can and must
Testimony and Public Comment

What misleadingly named “right to work” laws do, how they silence workers’ collective voice, and what their impact has been in states that adopt them.

Amy Traub