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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Why it is so important we expand our definition of public goods and protect them from profit-seeking private hands

Policy Briefs

This explainer outlines the consequences of corporate actors consolidating their power to act against the public good, and how Black and brown communities can come together to collectively advance and envision a just, inclusive economy.

Policy Briefs

After evaluating the progress of 10 federal agencies in responding to President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting, we find that most federal agencies have room for improvement. 

Policy Briefs

A resource for North Carolinian advocates and local leaders to understand, spot, and report unlawful voter purges.

Policy Briefs
Southern Coalition for Social Justice

South Dakota's public assistance agencies and motor vehicle offices are regularly failing to provide voter registration services to individuals, in violation of the National Voter Registration Act.

Updated December 22, 2022
South Dakota

Why this lawsuit was filed challenging South Dakota’s numerous violations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), what a federal court found in the suit, and what the case's settlement agreement means for voters in South Dakota.


This case study follows the coalition For Us Not Amazon (FUNA) and members of the Athena Coalition as they organized to prevent one of the biggest corporations in the world from taking over the civic, social, and political life of Northern Virginia and beyond. 


In collaboration with grassroots and faith-based partners working in communities of color, Demos is challenging Florida’s racially discriminatory attack on voting rights in the wake of unprecedented turnout by voters of color in the 2020 presidential election.

Updated August 2, 2022

This case study highlights how New Economy Project and the Public Bank NYC coalition are pressing for the creation of a public bank for New York City, as part of a broader vision for economic and racial justice.


This case study follows the Texas Organizing Project as it worked to build power and equity for working-class Black & Latino communities in greater Houston after Hurricane Harvey—ultimately implementing a winning 3-part inside-outside strategy. 
