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Young Black Girl Voting
Public policy organization Dēmos takes a deep dive into voter suppression and ballot access issues in ten states.
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Rayna Reid Rayford
Angela Hanks with Background
"Unions are what sent my cousins to college, they're what helped us go on vacation, they're what made sure that when there were hard times my family still had jobs."
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Group of people hugging
Capitalism’s endless economic growth prioritizes the individual over community and creates extreme inequality. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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Anoa Changa
Ericka Taylor
Six decades after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, our work remains unfinished. However, hope is not lost.
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Taifa Smith Butler
iphone icons
Investing in safe, inclusive online communities should not be mutually exclusive from building a business.
Ilana Novick
Pen next to voter registration form and envelope
A study of 10 states’ voter purge policies released earlier this month identified potential barriers to voter participation and urged reform in Indiana and nine others.
In the media
Alex Dalton
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
The Leadership Conference
Leadership Conference Education Fund
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
The Campaign Legal Center
League of Women Voters
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Line of people waiting to vote
Arizona is in litigation over a 2022 law that could allow for what some are calling “draconian purge practices” that lead to more Arizona voters being disenfranchised.
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Alex Gonzalez
Voter Registration Application Form
There are many good reasons for states to update their voter rolls in preparation for elections, but a new report contended many are too zealous about it, jeopardizing some people's right to vote.
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Farah Siddiqi

Evaluating ten states across a spectrum of voter removal practices on an important but often overlooked voting barrier: voter purges. Purges played a part in more than 19 million voters being removed between the 2020 and 2022 general elections.
