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Anyone who stood in line at a polling place or missed the registration deadline for this year’s general election will tell you: voting in New York is not easy. Even if you make it inside the voting booth, it’s easy to be discouraged when so many races are either lopsided or uncontested.
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Stephen Miller
Our name, Demos, means “the people,” and we are committed to creating a democracy in which all of the people can be heard. This election has shaken the basis of democracy—the idea of “we the people”—to its core. The shared leadership of this country is what’s contested right now.
Heather C. McGhee
You may have heard about proposals to privatize Social Security. We all know the system is heading toward a dangerously low level of funds, and we know something needs to be done. Privatization is one possible solution – an often-debated one with a long history.
In the media
Jill Cornfield
Campaign finance reform crusaders on Wednesday lauded a D.C. Council measure that would forbid political action committees from raising unlimited funds in nonelection years and ban businesses from donating to candidates who could influence their contracts with the city. The “Campaign Finance
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Ryan M. McDermott
Resentment won this election. It was a middle-finger, throw-caution-to-the-wind, damn-the-consequences vote — cast overwhelmingly by white people.
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Tamara Draut
Under the new law, passed by referendum Tuesday, Alaskans who sign up to receive their annual payouts from the state’s oil wealth trust will also automatically be added to the state's voter rolls. The vote makes Alaska the sixth state to have approved some form of automatic voter registration. Just
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Josh Eidelson
The election of Donald Trump has Democrats asking themselves why they lost and where they go next as a party.
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Ari Shapiro
Residents Who Attempted to Register to Vote or Update their Registration Information at the Division of Motor Vehicles Since the Summer of 2015 Will be Able to Vote in this November’s General Election Background
Like teens gathered around a slumber party campfire, pollsters and news outlets appear to be turning toward a giant game of “would you rather” to help understand the student debt mess.
In the media
Jillian Berman

Infrequent Voters Who Were Unlawfully Purged from Ohio’s Registration Rolls Will Be Permitted to Vote in the November 2016 General Election
