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Investing in a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy and clean transportation, while protecting environmentally vulnerable communities from the worst effects of climate change, comprise what is arguably the most important fiscal choice we have to make as a country over the next decade.
Lew Daly
How The People’s Budget Helps and Trump’s Budget Hurts
Algernon Austin
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has released its People’s Budget, which it aptly subtitles a “roadmap to resistance.” The CPC budget is proactive, pro-public, and progressive. In decided contrast to the dystopian vision of the Trump budget, the CPC budget presents a bold vision rooted in the
Connie M. Razza
People of color are being hit “first and worst” by the impacts of climate change.
Algernon Austin
Donald Trump’s election came at the worst possible time in so many ways. In a spectacular litany of truly awful aims, including mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, repealing Obamacare, retracting federal oversight of abusive local policing, undoing Obama-era banking reforms, and much more
Lew Daly
From the chambers of the House Financial Services Committee, we hear that consumers are losing “ econom
In the media
Amy Traub
April 26, 2017 (New York, NY) – In response to Donald Trump’s proposed tax plan, Tamara Draut, Vice President of Policy & Research at Demos, a NY based public policy think tank, issued the following statement: “This tax proposal shows once again that Donald Trump is no populist, but rather is hewing
Press release/statement
On the impact of the self-driving technology on people who drive for a living.
Algernon Austin
Supporters of a higher minimum wage, however, remain undeterred. "Wal-Mart's business model is pretty simple," said Amy Traub, an associate director of policy and research at equality advocacy group Demos, at a recent debate hosted by Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2) in New York.
In the media
Lauren Thomas
I think a state-level proposal of guaranteeing and enforcing that people who are imprisoned are paid at least the minimum wage deserves real scrutiny
Connie M. Razza