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Press release/statement

Dēmos to Biden-Harris Administration: A Brighter Tomorrow Begins Today

Today is a new beginning for America, but it is just that: a beginning. What comes next is in our hands.

New York, NY — Dēmos issued the following statement on the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris:

“Dēmos joins the nation in congratulating Joe Biden on his inauguration as the 46th President of the United States of America and Kamala Harris on her inauguration as the first woman of color to be Vice President — and in thanking all the voters and organizers who overcame great odds to make today possible.

“In his final book, Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. warned: ‘Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.’ More than 50 years later, that call to action remains just as present. In recent weeks, America has been tested in unprecedented ways. To survive, we must be vigilant and undeterred in our pursuit of a more progressive country.

“This new administration, coupled with the results of this month’s elections in Georgia, serves as proof that the American people are ready to move in a new direction. But moving means working. Creating an equitable, inclusive, multiracial democracy in the midst of a global pandemic, economic distress, police violence, white supremacist violence and overall political turmoil will require all of us to speak truth to power, organize within our communities, and push for progressive policies right now.

“We must not waste any time in fixing what’s broken in America. We do that by fighting for long-term structural democracy reforms, pushing for an equitable economic recovery, and working with grassroots organizations as they work to build power with Black and brown communities.

“Today is a new beginning for America, but it is just that: a beginning. What comes next is in our hands.”
