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Six other states — Georgia, Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — have similar practices that target voters for removal from the rolls for not voting, but Ohio’s is the most extreme. “The National Voting Rights Act sought to eliminate practices such as Ohio’s that penalize
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Lydia Wheeler
WASHINGTON – Demos and the American Civil Liberties Union presented arguments today to the U.S. Supreme Court in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), a case focusing on Ohio’s practice of purging voters from its registration rolls. The groups argued that the Supplemental Process directly
Press release/statement

Demos Senior Campaign Strategist, Vijay Das, gave the following prepared remarks urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of protecting the freedom to vote. 

Testimony and Public Comment
Vijay Das
"None of these voters had become ineligible to vote by reason of a change in residence or otherwise," the voting rights group Demos, representing the A. Philip Randolph Institute, argued in court papers. "Nonetheless, all had been purged from the rolls." [...] But Stuart Naifeh of Demos says about
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Richard Wolf
“They want the ability to use non-voting to remove people,” Demos senior counsel Stuart Naifeh, who is representing the Ohio challengers, told TPM. “And in these cases that they’ve brought or threatened to bring, they want counties or states to adopt that as a practice.”
In the media
Tierney Sneed
The D.C. Council unanimously backed publicly financed campaigns Tuesday, a move lauded by clean-government advocates in a city long plagued by its association with a pay-to-play culture.[...]
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Rachel Chason
As the Trump Administration takes the unprecedented action of de-legalizing nearly a million residents, a Clean DREAM Act with TPS is urgent—leaders of both parties in Congress must act.
Katherine Culliton-González
Larry Harmon shares his experience of finding out he was purged from Ohio's polls.
In the media
President Trump announced the dissolution of the so-called Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
Stuart Naifeh
Immediately following oral arguments on the case, the legal team and voting rights advocates will give remarks on the courthouse steps.
Press release/statement