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Today is the day the tax bill comes due. It’s the first tax day since Congress passed, and Donald Trump signed, the $1.5 trillion tax law bestowing a gigantic permanent tax break on corporations and temporary reductions for some individuals, while stripping health coverage from millions of Americans
Amy Traub
The Sleeping Giant Paperback Offers New Insights on the 2016 Election and the Economic Conditions of the New Working Class
Press release/statement
Secretary of State, Department of Revenue in Knowing Violation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993
Press release/statement
The 1993 law requires states to offer people the opportunity to register to vote when they interact with the motor vehicle agency and other state agencies. If someone wants to register to vote at the motor vehicle agency, the information provided on a driver’s license can also be used as a voter
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Sam Levine
“[We] are working closely with the team to learn from our mistakes,” she said. “We are fully investigating our store practices and guidelines across the company. In addition to our own review we will work with outside experts and community leaders to understand and adopt best practices, including
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Marwa Eltagouri

The working class today is much more complex and diverse than the white, male, manufacturing archetype often evoked in popular narratives.

Tamara Draut
Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, the left-leaning public policy organization, said he understands why debt-burdened students might take the risk of losing money in cryptocurrency markets. “The risk inherent in higher education now is higher than it ever has been," he said. While the
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Greg Toppo
It’s Equal Pay Day! —the day demarcating when women have worked long enough to match the pay received by men during the previous calendar year. Yes, women need to work an extra three months to close the pay gap with their brothers, uncles, nephews, husbands and co-workers.
Tamara Draut
While the United States has made strides to advance health access with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, health access remains a struggle for far too many families.
Vijay Das
The Black Census Project is intended to “give us a better sense of who black people are, where we are, and what we hope and dream for,” says Alicia Garza who also helped start the Black Lives Matter movement.
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Tanvi Misra