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On the same day California’s primary election produced decidedly mixed results last week — encouraging for Democrats, less so for progressives — progressive advocates gathered in Los Angeles learned about how politics in California (and nationwide) could be dramatically transformed by driving a
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Paul Rosenberg
Bus for Voter Registration
Today, for the first time, a federal court told a state that its planned use of the controversial Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck System (“Crosscheck”) to purge registered voters likely violates federal law.
Stuart Naifeh
Starbucks enlisted the help of groups like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Legal Defense and Education Fund (NAACP LDF) and Demos, a public policy organization committed to racial equality and economic advancement, to design a curriculum focused on recognizing bias
In the media
Tonya Garcia
Nothing, it seems, has been more difficult to remedy than the issue of racism and implicit bias in this country, but this week, coffeehouse juggernaut Starbucksattempted to at least begin the conversation when they shut down more than 8,000 of their stores for a day of racial bias training following
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Christina Coleman

For the last year, we—Demos, Anat Shenker-Osorio (ASO Communications) and Ian Haney López (author of Dog Whistle Politics), —have partnered in an ambitious multi-phase project to build an effective new narrative on race, class, and democracy. The central question we’ve explored is how to engage

Dear Secretary Ashcroft and Director Walters, As grassroots and non-profit voter advocates in Missouri, we work to remove barriers that impede the right to vote and discourage democratic participation. Missouri is in violation of provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)
Testimony and Public Comment
Demos is working to put equity at the heart of the national agenda and move progressive reforms forward.
In the media
Mother’s Day was a couple of weeks ago, but Americans need another day to think about what we owe to moms. May 30th is a less festive occasion: It’s Moms’ Equal Pay Day, a date indicating how far into 2018 mothers have to work to catch up with what fathers were paid back in 2017. In other words
Amy Traub

How social exclusion blocks Black people from full participation and power in the United States.

Connie M. Razza
New series exposes how social exclusion impacts society in several ways Report comes in the midst of national conversation about causes of and solutions to racial bias
Press release/statement