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Exposing racism works better than silence Fortunately, new research suggests that shying away from race is less effective with voters than exposing it as a scam that helps guys like Trump and Putin get richer and more powerful.
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Jason Sattler
We all deserve an equal opportunity to be hired based on our experience and abilities. Yet discriminatory hiring continues to shape the U.S. labor market in ways that systematically disadvantage people of color, women, LGBTQ workers, people with disabilities and other targeted groups. Due largely to
Amy Traub
K. Sabeel Rahman
Rahman Pledges to Advance Demos’ Commitment to Racial Equity, Economic Justice and an Inclusive Democracy for All
Press release/statement

Judge Kavanaugh's record raises serious concerns that he would expand the power of big money in politics, weaken voter protections, and insulate the president from the rule of law.

CAMPAIGN FINANCE Chiraag Bains, Director of Legal Strategies for Demos “Do you believe that the Constitution requires that we allow corporations and wealthy individuals the unfettered ability to translate their economic might into political power through campaign contributions and expenditures—even
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Gregg Levine
Considering who “deserves” an affordable education obscures an important truth: higher education serves of all us. According to a report by the left-leaning think tank Demos earlier this year, “There is a persistent link between public spending on colleges and higher tax revenue, lower public
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Rebecca Stoner
Chiraag Bains, the Director of Legal Strategies for Demos, issued the following statement tonight in response to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Trump: “With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s second nominee to the Supreme Court in less than
Press release/statement
Chiraag Bains
Torpey’s show, “Paid Off,” which premieres July 10 on TruTV, is just the latest evidence that student debt is now “part of the popular zeitgeist,” said Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, a left-leaning think tank. “This is a problem that a lot of people can relate to,” he said.
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Jillian Berman

Once an institution accepts the premise that all people, regardless of their background, have the potential to thrive and contribute to the success of an organization, they can begin to recognize systemic disparities and gaps as flaws to be addressed.

Heather C. McGhee
Sherrilyn Ifill
But according to our in-depth analysis of data from Demos and NCES, black and Hispanic students are paying more when it comes to student loans than white students.
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Rebecca Safier