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Though education is perceived to be the great equalizer, Black women with higher education consistently make less than their white counterparts.
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Charise Frazier
In 2013, President Barack Obama ordered a review of election procedures after the 2012 presidential election was plagued with long lines. One of the “signal weaknesses” of the U.S.
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Rachel Chason
Despite elite colleges’ efforts to diversify, they are still limited in their ability to serve as true engines of economic mobility, said Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, a left-leaning think tank. “It does go against what we think higher education should be and it goes against our
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Jillian Berman
The American education system is defined by its decentralization; states, local areas, and schools wield considerable power over how students are educated, from preschool through college. But federal government's role in education is to still make sure American students have both a champion and a
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Mark Huelsman

The dynamics of unstable pay at Marriott and high-cost lending by its affiliated credit union take the income disparities between Marriott’s predominantly black and Latino workforce and its overwhelmingly white corporate leadership and enable them to metastasize into growing disparities in wealth. 

Amy Traub
Julia Gunn
NEW YORK CITY – As workers at Marriott hotels across the country continue to strike over pay and working conditions, a new report by Demos reveals how Marriott International is holding down workers’ pay, cutting hours and promoting high fee loans through its affiliated financial institution. Demos
Press release/statement
In a blow for voting rights today, an Ohio federal court ruled that the state does not have to provide relief to allow purged voters to participate in this November’s mid-term elections.
Press release/statement
In Ohio, registered voters who do not vote in a two-year period are sent a mailing asking them to confirm their address. If they do not respond to the mailing or vote in the subsequent four years, they are purged from the rolls. Represented by Demos and the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio
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Andre Washington
“When we’re talking about elite schools and, certainly, free medical schools, I don’t think that’s what’s going to be driving the policy process,” said Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, a think tank with operations in three cities including Boston that advocates for a diverse
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Jillian Berman
Demos is deeply concerned that the confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the U. S. Supreme Court—after credible sexual assault allegations and an FBI investigation that was unnecessarily limited in scope and duration—threatens to undermine the legitimacy of the Court and risks further eroding
Press release/statement