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This report was completed in collaboration with the Advancement Project, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, Demos, Faith in Action, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Congress of American Indians, National Urban League, Race Forward, and UnidosUS. These

Policy Briefs
Lake Research Partners
This month, Take Care and Project Democracy hosted a symposium, " Building an Inclusive Democracy: Towards an Action Agenda," the aims of which are strikingly in tune with the points I raise here. One of those posts in particular, “ Defending Inclusion” by K.
In the media

How our work to enforce Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act has resulted in over 3 million new voter registration applications through public assistance agencies.

Laura Williamson
Pamela Cataldo
Brenda Wright
Experian Boost comes with downsides for consumers, according to Amy Traub, associate director of research at the public policy group, Demos. She said lenders will be able to use the data they glean from consumer bank accounts in ways the public may not understand. "It also allows them to make
In the media
Renata Sago
In his final hours as U.S. Attorney General last month, Jeff Sessions issued a memo limiting the Justice Department’s power to pursue and enforce federal consent decrees with local police departments. [...] “This will allow the political leadership of DOJ to let abusive departments off the hook even
In the media
Candice Norwood
Advocates Praise Oklahoma’s Progress Adding Thousands of Voters to Rolls During Three-Year Settlement
Press release/statement
As Mark Huelsman, a policy analyst at Demos, an advocacy group tweeted: "the average family inheritance to a white college grad can pay off the average undergrad debt balance and have enough left over for a 20 percent down [payment] on a $575,000 home." That’s assuming the inheritor has student debt
In the media
Karlton Laster
Demos denounces Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s shameless signing of legislation that guts power from newly-elected Democrats.
Press release/statement
K. Sabeel Rahman
People walking down street at sunset
The Green New Deal is a vision for comprehensive national policy that addresses climate change at the scale and scope we need, creates living-wage jobs, and addresses racial and economic inequity by investing in communities.
Adrien Salazar
Lew Daly

Most states have very far to go in making their selective public institutions representative, and thus truly public.

Mark Huelsman