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"The ability to pay off your loans has everything to do with wages and the ability to gain secure employment, it has everything to do with housing affordability, it has everything to do with child-care costs."
In the media
Jillian Berman
A new report from the left-leaning think tank Demos argues that looking at borrowers' income alone provides limited insight into student loan burdens.
In the media
Andrew Kreighbaum
Blur of traffic light in front of backlit Manhattan skyline
The state legislature is on the verge of passing the Climate and Community Protection Act, and they need to hear from you.
Adrien Salazar

The Case for Bold, Equitable Student Loan Cancellation and Reform

Mark Huelsman
College grad
"Every qualified student—regardless of their color, gender, or financial situation—should be able to pursue their educational dreams."
Press release/statement

The suspension of driver’s licenses for unpaid criminal justice fines and fees should be found unconstitutional.

National Council for Incarcerated & Formerly Incarcerated Women
”For far too long, Black voters in this country have been marginalized, misrepresented, and taken for granted in electoral politics."
In the media
P.R. Lockhart
Tired of politicians talking at, about, but never to, black people, a bevy of organizations joined to conduct the largest survey of black people in the United States since Reconstruction, entitled More Black than Blue: Politics + Power in the 2019 Black Census.
In the media
Angela Helm

The Black Futures Lab’s Black Census Project is the largest survey of Black people conducted in the United States since Reconstruction.

Black Futures Lab
Color Of Change
SocioAnalitica Research
A debt-free plan “changes the target."
In the media
Chris Mills Rodrigo