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In 2020, a different group of grassroots outsiders increasingly is setting the terms of debate on the left. They are being led by black and brown people, young people, women, immigrants and working people—often outside the control of the traditional gatekeepers of American politics.
In the media
K. Sabeel Rahman
Close up of American flag in dim light
The denial of voting rights to pretrial jail detainees is one of the most hidden and racially disparate forms of voter disenfranchisement.
Chiraag Bains
A circle of multi-racial hands extended and reaching for the light
On Tuesday, January 21, 2020, many organizations, individuals, and communities will be taking collective action during the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s fourth annual National Day of Racial Healing to celebrate our racial diversity and reinforce and honor our common humanity.
Press release/statement
K. Sabeel Rahman explains what it would take to make America’s democracy work for everyone and why the time for big, structural change is now.
In the media
Fresh research and writing for the start of 2020.
Gwyn Ellsworth
Haitian Pride parade
On this Haitian Independence Day, the world must recognize Haiti and her people not only for their struggle, but also for their ingenuity, their resolve and their courage.
Christelle Prophete
Today, voting rights advocates celebrated a significant win for Arizonans that will make it easier for residents to exercise their fundamental right to vote.
Press release/statement
There are unacceptable inconsistencies in how we engage in the most fundamental method of making our democracy work.
In the media
Caleb Gayle
“Folks who benefit from having fewer people participate are constantly looking for new ways to suppress turnout. [Voter purges] is one that seems to have become more popular.”
In the media
Sam Levine
A couple of color embracing in the fall
A conservative group is suing to force the state of Wisconsin to purge 234,000 voters from voter rolls. The purge will disproportionately target voters of color.
Shruti Banerjee
Stuart Naifeh