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One New York State bill would interrupt the cycle of discrimination that comes with employment credit checks.

Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Pittsburgh skyline seen through the Fred Rogers Memorial Monument in foreground
We have asked a federal court to allow us to intervene to defend the rights of Allegheny County voters in a lawsuit filed by an organization challenging how the county maintains its voter registration list.
Press release/statement
Boosting the returns on homeownership for black families would reduce the wealth gap with white families by more than $17,000, or 16%, according to a 2015 report from the public-policy organization Demos and the Institute for Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University.
In the media
Jacob Passy
Michael Bloomberg speaking at podium (Creative Commons credit: Be the Change Inc)
Bloomberg has quietly begun to roll out a series of policy proposals, and this week, it was higher education’s turn. His plan says a lot about where consensus currently is—and is not.
Mark Huelsman
Shallow focus of a fence
Every election, large numbers of eligible voters are denied their fundamental right to vote because they are behind bars when ballots are cast. Here's what we're doing about it.
Naila Awan
Chiraag Bains
"This will have serious consequences for staff morale at the justice department, for the credibility of justice department attorneys in court, and for the public’s sense that the justice system is fair."
In the media
Ed Pilkington
Black History Month collage with Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and others
We’re celebrating the first full week of Black History Month with a reality check on the biggest news stories this week.
Gwyn Ellsworth
Latinx family smiling together
In the last ten days, the House has passed two much-needed bills for Black and brown people and working people of all backgrounds. The PRO Act, is the most far-reaching reshaping of U.S. labor law in decades. The CREDIT Act would overhaul the nation’s credit reporting system.
Amy Traub
US Capitol Building in Washington D.C.
Demos experts weigh in on the myths and mistruths inherent in the 2020 State of the Union
Lew Daly
Mark Huelsman
Amy Traub
Laura Williamson
In 2020, a different group of grassroots outsiders increasingly is setting the terms of debate on the left. They are being led by black and brown people, young people, women, immigrants and working people—often outside the control of the traditional gatekeepers of American politics.
In the media
K. Sabeel Rahman