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Like many New Yorkers, Hazel B. of Queens struggled to get by after she was laid off from her job as an accounts receivable administrator. A single mother of two, Hazel relied on credit cards to make ends meet while she looked for work. Finally, she found a job opening that looked promising. She
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Amy Traub
Daniel Garodnick
President Obama’s nomination of Ernest Moniz for secretary of energy is a serious blow to environmentalists. Appearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources yesterday, Moniz strongly supported an “all-of-the-above” strategy and emphasized that lowering the cost of energy should be the
Thomas Hedges
Krugman speculates that they see this as a morality play wherein the rich are obviously the virtuous heroes (being rich and all) and the plebes are a bunch of lazy, immoral parasites who refuse to carry their weight. I think he's probably right, but I'm going to speculate further that for many of
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The beast is creeping back into the shadows.
Wallace C. Turbeville
As the rising cost of college puts a financial squeeze on students and their families, young people are encouraged to see student loans as an investment that leverages the mounting costs of attendance against a shot at greater lifetime earnings.
Catherine Ruetschlin
On the very day that a bleak jobs report showed how feeble the recovery is, the White House revealed that the president will propose a budget that
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Katrina Vanden Heuvel
A new report looks at the voting patterns in the last election of the fastest growing racial groups in the U.S.—Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). A collaborative effort between Asian American Justice Center, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote, and National Asian American Survey, the
J. Mijin Cha
Unemployment rates for Americans under the age of 25 are the highest since the end of World War II. It's a situation that is unlikely to change anytime soon, according to a new report. Since 2007, the average official unemployment rate for people under 25 has been 18 percent, 5.5 points higher than
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Constantine Von Hoffman
The kids are not alright. So not alright, in fact, that about 45 percent of the nation’s unemployed are between the ages of 18 and 34, according to a recent report from Demos, a public policy organization. In addition to the more than 5.6 million young people who don’t have a job, there are about 4
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Once you get your hard-earned dollars into your 401(k), it’s painful to think they might not be getting you the highest return possible. Before you go any further, those who aren’t contributing regularly to a 401(k) or another type of tax-advantaged retirement account, such as a Traditional or Roth
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Amelia Granger