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As some New York state lawmakers consider publicly financed campaigns to thwart public corruption in state politics, a liberal-leaning public policy think tank has released a report showing how a voluntary public financing system in Connecticut has contributed to a more "representative and
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Tanique Williams
Martin Smith, an Emmy-winning correspondent for PBS’ Frontline, is worried about his retirement — and yours.
In the media
Richard Eisenberg
As some New York state lawmakers consider publicly financed campaigns to thwart public corruption in state politics, a liberal-leaning public policy think tank has released a report showing how a voluntary public financing system in Connecticut has contributed to a more "representative and
In the media
Tanique Williams
A group of activists and politicians from Connecticut came to Albany Monday to promote their brand of public financing, which has been in place since 2008. According to supporters, including Sec. of State Denise Merrill, public financing for the legislature and statewide offices has led to a number
In the media
Rick Karlin
ALBANY, NY – Connecticut’s public campaign finance program is making the state legislature more responsive to voter priorities, helping lawmakers spend more time with constituents, and reducing the power of moneyed special interests, according to a compelling report released today that underscores
Press release/statement
In every society, the marketplace—the physical marketplace—brings people together not only to exchange goods and services, but to meet one another, socialize, and exchange ideas. Markets are the places from which communities arise, and where people of different strata and clans converge.
Michael Lipsky
As former and present Secretaries of the State of Connecticut, we are very proud of our state for broadening our democracy by adopting a public financing system for our legislative and statewide campaigns. As former legislators, we understand intimately the fundraising aspects of standing for
Testimony and Public Comment
Miles Rapoport
Denise Merrill
The drumbeat for public financing pounded loudly on Monday when good government groups and Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill visited the Capitol to make the case for campaign finance reform.
In the media
Aaron Short
Last week, 72 New York State Assemblymen sent a letter to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver urging him to support a public financing program for primary, general and special election campaigns for statewide offices. Such a program would match modest contributions with public funds, which allows small
J. Mijin Cha
About half of all public companies are incorporated in Delaware, and that state has long been synonomous with a race to the bottom when it comes to corporate responsibility. So many companies incorporate in Delaware because it has famously lax standards for corporate behavior. And tiny Delaware has
David Callahan