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ALBANY, N.Y.—With the recent indictment of New York politicians like Senator Malcolm Smith and Assemblyman Eric Stevenson, many wonder, can they trust state lawmakers? "We do a random sample of more than 800 registered voters and our sample looks like the New York electorate both in terms of
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Amy Cutler
Think of predatory lending and you probably think of pawn shops and check cashing stores in run down strip malls in poor neighborhoods. Time to expand your thinking—like, say, to include the fancy office tower in downtown San Francisco that houses Wells Fargo's headquarters. Wells Fargo is one of a
David Callahan
Representative Martha Roby has an op-ed in Politico today making the case for her “Working Families Flexibility Act.” The bill would allow businesses to pay their workers in comp time, rather than higher wages, for the overtime hours they work. Roby has argued that her bill would make it easier for
Brenden Timpe
On a normal day, Sonia Acuña, a petite 41-year old mother of four, puts on her bright red McDonald’s cap and reports to work at a branch of the giant hamburger chain in Chicago’s main rail terminal, Union Station. But today, in cold and drizzling early morning weather, Acuña—still wearing her
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David Moberg
Americans owe more than $1 trillion in student loans — a total that surpasses credit card debt — but millions who are past due on payments are not taking advantage of a program designed to make their debt manageable. The federal income-based repayment­ program reduces an eligible borrower’s monthly
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Meagan Pant
“I make $1,000 for the store in 30 minutes. But I don’t make $1,000 in a month working there.” The quote is a paraphrase of a Victoria’s Secret worker. She, like 500 other retail and fast food employees in and around the Chicago Loop, isn’t at work today. They’re all on strike. (Follow #strikefor15
Amy Traub
Wall Street has made it far more likely that you will spend at least some of your golden years eating Fancy Feast.
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Mark Gongloff
According to numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the beginning of April, American employers added only 88,000 jobs in March, compared to 268,000 in February. While it's certainly better than losing the same number of jobs, it does very little to reassure Americans still looking for
Ilana Novick
NerdWallet underlies its findings with a report by public policy organization Demos from last summer, which added the further frightening fact that among folks investing in 401(k) plans, a full two-thirds had no idea they were paying anything at all for their 401(k) (which actually makes all of the
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The advocacy group Small Business Majority is out this morning with a new survey that bolsters efforts to raise the minimum wage. President Obama ignited the debate earlier this year when he proposed raising the hourly minimum wage from $7.25 to $9, arguing that it would help working families
Brenden Timpe