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Panelists at the annual Corporate Crime Reporter Conference in Washington, D.C. Friday said they were concerned that the Justice Department is abandoning full criminal prosecutions of financial industries in favor of Deferred and Non Prosecution Agreements (DPAs and NPAs), which usually involve a
Thomas Hedges
The good news in the April unemployment numbers delivered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday finally spilled over to people under 25, who saw their unemployment rate drop last month even as their labor force participation rate increased.
Catherine Ruetschlin
The class of ’13 has no luck at all. As the graduates take to the streets with their six-month grace periods before their student loan debt bills begin arriving, they face a horrific job market. “At 16.2 percent, the March 2013 unemployment rate of workers under age 25 was [roughly] twice as high as
In the media
Gregory Bresiger
The Heritage Foundation has a new report out looking at the cost of immigration reform. The report puts the cost of immigration reform at a whopping $6.3 trillion. I won’t go into all the reasons they list but let’s say it seems they believe that as soon as undocumented workers become citizens, they
J. Mijin Cha
In the constant race to be the best America is falling behind other large, wealthy nations in at least one major category: Employing the nation’s youth.
In the media
So far, the airline and meat industries have managed to exempt their parent agencies — the USDA and FAA respectively — from following through with furloughs that the across-the-board sequestration cuts require. It’s a victory, they say, for ordinary Americans who, without these exemptions, would be
Thomas Hedges
Here’s an example of how government subsidies distort market economics: Gas prices are down nearly 35 cents from last year, yet this has had virtually no impact on this year’s first quarter profits of the big oil companies.
J. Mijin Cha
Dig into today's job numbers and you'll find a tale of two Americas. In one America, unemployment remains at catastrophically high levels. The African-American unemployment rate is 13.2 percent -- a level not seen for the U.S. as a whole since the Great Depression. The jobless rate for construction
David Callahan
What will be more important in coming decades: Countering the rise of Chinese military power in East Asia or building U.S. economic strength here at home?
David Callahan
State officials around the country have spent the last few months bending over backwards finding reasons to accept Medicaid expansion for low-income Americans, refuse it, or try to create a publicly-funded privately managed hybrid. But what do these choices mean for real people?
Ilana Novick