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The banks have systematically figured out how to rip off the government,” Lerner says. Part of that ripoff was the LIBOR scandal, which had a “massive consequence on everything,” according to Wallace Turbeville, a former Goldman Sachs employee and current senior fellow at nonpartisan think tank
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Sarah Jaffe
The vacuous, cheerful expression of the Walmart smiley face has long been associated with the paradoxically dark reality of low-wage work. With the recent fast-food worker walkouts in New York, the golden arches may go down, too, in the annals of class-war symbology.
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Anna Simonton
As we contemplate the possibly bright future of pre-K laid out in Obama’s state of the union address this year, in which the feds work together “with states to make high-quality preschool available to every single child in America,” along comes a sobering glimpse of what public preschool looks like
Sharon Lerner
The entire social and fiscal debate ignores this monster of an issue, but it’s only a matter of time. The kids are moving back home when they graduate and can’t find work. Soon, grandma and grandpa are going to be moving in, too. There’s a reckoning ahead that policymakers and the news media haven’t
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Matt Miller
Federal taxpayers employ more low-wage workers than Wal-Mart and McDonald’s combined, a new study calculates.
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Jim Tankersley
Marjorie Censer
BlackRock, Inc., is the largest asset management company in the world, with nearly $4 trillion under management. It is also a major player in the 401(k) business. So it's worth paying attention to the fact that yesterday, BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, gave a speech at NYU in which he declared that
David Callahan
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How Our Tax Dollars Are Funding Low-Wage Work and Fueling Inequality

Amy Traub
Robert Hiltonsmith
For years now, I’ve been asking myself how the federal government justifies charging students nearly 7 percent for loans when banks can get federal funds virtually interest-free (the Fed discount window rate is currently 0.75%).
Heather McGhee
As we contemplate the possibly bright future of pre-K laid out in Obama’s state of the union address this year, in which the feds work together “with states to make high-quality preschool available to every single child in America,” along comes a sobering glimpse of what public preschool looks like
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Sharon Lerner