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New York, NY – As Coloradans celebrate the expansion of their freedom to vote and North Carolinians fight to protect theirs, national public policy institute Demos will mark the 20 th Anniversary of the passage of the National Voter Registration Act, better known as the “Motor Voter” law on Monday
Press release/statement
Let us finally dispel the notion that increased numbers of African American voters, and more broadly all voters of color, headed to the polls in 2008 and 2012 solely because of Barack Obama.
Michael Jackson
The political history of race in America will record the Obama era as a breakthrough moment and a huge step forward. But any economic racial history will tell a nearly opposite story: Under the first black president, African-Americans have lost much of the wealth they built up over previous decades
David Callahan
No matter where you are on the political spectrum, you should be able to agree that the IRS needs to be rigorously neutral in its oversight of the nonprofit sector.
David Callahan
The retail and restaurant sector – two primary employers of low-wage workers – receive larger public subsidies than the fossil fuel industry in the form of public assistance for the working poor.
David Callahan
McDonald's wall painting
Fast food workers have organized a series of one-day strikes in cities across the country, calling for better pay and union representation.
Amy Traub
In 2012, no one, it seemed, could afford to sit on the sidelines. Having decried super PACs as "a threat to democracy," Obama and his advisers flip-flopped and blessed the creation of one devoted specifically to reelecting the president. Soon, they were everywhere, at the local, state, and federal
In the media
Andy Kroll
Tomorrow, the public interest will take a loss and the largest banks will chalk up a win.
Wallace C. Turbeville
Previous research has found that the majority of the jobs added to the economy since the end of the recession pay low wages. Middle-wage and high-wage jobs haven’t seen nearly the same rate of growth, meaning that the economy has traded comfortable jobs for those that merely allow workers to scrape
In the media
Bryce Covert
This week has delivered two economic surprises that illustrate the right way and the wrong way to respond to the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. First, the euro zone economy shrank more than expected in the past three months, moving France back into a recession. That's what
David Callahan