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Elected officeholders cannot tell what their constituents want unless they hear from them. That is why a typical legislator employs staffers to keep track of messages from constituents. Likewise, because interest groups know that citizen communications matter, they routinely ask adherents to contact
David Broockman
In 1971, Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel assisted Daniel Ellsberg by including the Pentagon Papers in the public record, putting himself at risk of indictment. In the subsequent case Gravel_v._United_States, the Supreme Court held that Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution protected the senator from
Thomas Hedges
The following is a published Letter to the Editor to the New York Times in response to their editorial " The Decline of North Carolina." The attack on voting rights in North Carolina is a shameful attempt by the state’s politicians to curtail access to the ballot, in ways devised particularly to
Liz Kennedy
Low-wage workers employed under federal concession and lease agreements went on strike at Union Station on Thursday, calling on President Obama to guarantee them a living wage and a voice on the job.
Robert Hiltonsmith
Without a doubt, the big banks should be broken up; the need is even more urgent than it was in 2007 or 2008. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas – hardly an Occupy Wall Street affiliate – titled its 2011 Annual Report "Choosing the Road to Prosperity: Why We Must End Too Big to Fail – Now."
In the media
Wallace C. Turbeville
When Governor Lincoln Chaffee signed the Temporary Care Giver’s Insurance law last week, Rhode Island became the third state—along with California and New Jersey—to grant paid time off to care for a sick loved one or a new baby. Rhode Island’s law, which goes into effect in 2014, will not only
In the media
Sharon Lerner
The most often repeated attack on the Affordable Care Act is that the law is a "job killer" -- an anti-business spool of red tape that will strangle free enterprise from coast to coast. In fact, though, one of the biggest obstacles that entrepreneurs face when starting a new business is affording
David Callahan
If you think Wall Street has cleaned up its act after a global financial disaster and then sweeping reform legislation, think again. A new survey by Labaton Sucharow, a law firm that represents Wall Street whistleblowers, has revealed that the financial services industry still has profound ethical
David Callahan
Well, that’s embarrassing. McDonald’s sample budget for its employees lays bare the reality of trying to make it on a food service job at $7.72 an hour (mildly above the federal minimum wage of $7.25).
Joseph Hines
We knew Congress was going to slash SNAP benefits in the latest, House version of the farm bill -- despite any number of compromise suggestions (largely misguided) to increase work requirements, impose new asset tests, and so on. Instead of debating such compromises, however, the House decided it
Ilana Novick