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Today President Obama will give a major economic address in Illinois, the first in a series of speeches designed to refocus the national conversation on job creation and the struggling economy.
In the media
George Zornick
Job security, with good wages and durable industries. A good education. A home to call your own. Affordable health care when you get sick. A secure retirement even if you’re not rich.
Amy Traub
Whatever growth in GDP or reductions in unemployment, most Americans think the economy stinks. According to a new CBS poll, more than 60 percent of people polled rate the economy as "bad." And well they should: For the vast majority of Americans, economic gains during the recovery have almost
In the media
Charles Wilbanks
What's the best way to rebuild America's battered middle class: redistribute wealth downward from the top 1 percent? Or grow the overall economy? In fact, both strategies are crucial, but it will be interesting to see which path President Obama stresses tomorrow when he pivots back to economic
David Callahan
Location, location, location. It’s a real estate cliché, but also, according to a new study by a team of experts from Harvard and the University of California at Berkeley, one of the most important factors for predicting intergenerational economic mobility in America. When it comes to the whether a
Ilana Novick
Ian Ayres of Yale University has the 401(k) marketplace fuming.
In the media
John Rekenthaler
At Demos, we are working for an America where we all have an equal say and an equal chance. The slaying of Trayvon Martin has reminded us that we have not yet achieved an America where we all have equal chance to merely live. Trayvon Martin was denied that chance because his identity was one that
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Miles Rapoport
A major new study on economic mobility by a team of top scholars has revealed that it's hard to move up the ladder if you're isolated from good schools and jobs. What a surprising finding -- or at least it was surprising forty years ago.
David Callahan
And you thought the government didn’t have a jobs program. It does. The problem is that the pay and benefits are lousy, and in many cases the working conditions ain’t so great either.
In the media
Bill Moyers
At Demos, we are working for an America where we all have an equal say and an equal chance. The slaying of Trayvon Martin has reminded us that we have not yet achieved an America where we all have equal chance to merely live. Trayvon Martin was denied that chance because his identity was one that
Press release/statement