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Just because the government has shut down doesn’t mean Congress will cease its central function of making Americans’ lives miserable. While everyone watches the legislative back-and-forth on the budget, the House may vote this week to thwart a key new Labor Department protection affecting $10.5
In the media
David Dayen
A new report from Public Campaign shows what could happen if the Supreme Court deals another blow to campaign finance reform in McCutcheon v. FEC.
J. Mijin Cha
It's no secret that the public's approval of Congress has been near an all-time low in recent years. According to Gallup, which has been tracking congressional approval since at least 1974, just 10 percent of Americans said they approved of how Congress was handling its job last August -- the lowest
David Callahan
National Voting Rights Groups Put Lt. Gov. Guadagno and DHS on Notice for Violations of Federal Law
Press release/statement
The federal lawsuit filed to block North Carolina’s restrictive new voting laws is set to test the government’s ability to protect voting rights in the aftermath of a Supreme Court decision gutting the Voting Rights Act.
In the media
Adam Serwer
The student loan default rate is soaring, and it's flying highest among for-profit schools. The U.S. Department of Education reports that across the nation, the share of borrowers who default within two years after college loan payments become due has risen nearly a full percentage point to 10
In the media
Charles Wilbanks
The most frustrating thing for advocates of a strong public sector is how Americans tend to take government for granted. As Suzanne Mettler showed in The Submerged State, a great many people who have benefitted from government programs don't acknowledge that fact.
David Callahan
Here we go again: Financial markets are plummeting thanks to the threat of a government shutdown and, beyond that, another debt ceiling crisis. One of the great bull markets of recent years is being derailed by a bunch of extreme conservatives in Congress. But Wall Street shouldn't just blame the
David Callahan
The drive for deregulation during the 1970s found support among Democrats and Republicans alike. And I don't just mean centrist Democrats, by the way. Many liberal Democrats favored deregulation in the face of evidence that elaborate forms of red tape favored monopoly-like corporations and prevented
David Callahan
WHAT: Press call about upcoming SCOTUS Case McCutcheon v. FEC featuring NAACP, Sierra Club, Communications Workers of America, People For The American Way Foundation, Greenpeace, Main Street Alliance,, Rock The Vote, American Federation of Teachers, Working Families Organization, U.S
Press release/statement