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There's been a lot of debate lately about whether Americans are starting to favor cities over suburbs in significant numbers. Every city I visit -- most recently, Lincoln, Nebraska -- I see new housing going up in downtown areas, and it's said that Millennials prefer the walkability and diversity of
David Callahan
A new report says declining revenues and bad Wall Street deals—not out-of-control spending or generous pension benefits--contributed the most to Detroit’s bankruptcy. The r eport from the left-leaning think tank Demos also accuses Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr of attacking the problem in
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Sarah Cwiek
A former Wall Street investment banker is taking Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to task for blaming the city’s financial collapse, in part, on escalating pension and retiree health insurance costs.
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Chad Livengood
The best policy measures are those that solve two or more problems at once. So consider this idea: Let's tackle Washington's revenue challenges through tax hikes that mainly hit suburbanites and incentivize urban living. The need for more revenues is clear enough: federal taxes are near a 60-year
David Callahan
Declining revenue, a drop in employment and large, risky Wall Street deals are the real causes of Detroit’s bankruptcy, according to a report by Demos, a liberal public policy organization. Pension debt gets a bad rap in Detroit, but it isn’t the true cause of Detroit’s financial problems, said
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Paula Aven Gladych
The official story about Detroit goes something like this: Decades of mismanagement and out-of-control spending have left the city with a crushing $18 billion in debt.
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Ned Resnikoff
Be careful what you wish for is good advice, and I'll be the first to admit that progressives may rue the day they celebrated historic changes to the Senate's filibuster rules. Like when President Paul Ryan is packing the courts with pro-life judges in 2023.
David Callahan
Pension fund liabilities are not to blame for Detroit's descent into Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, according to a report released Wednesday by Demos, a public policy advocacy group. Detroit's bankruptcy was caused by a decrease in tax revenue due to a population decline and long-term unemployment
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Christine Williamson
At the new Walmart superstore in the Chinatown district of Los Angeles, a Thanksgiving turkey costs a little over $30 (£19). The shop is kind enough to distribute ready-made holiday shopping lists to its customers, reminding them to buy cornbread mix and cranberry sauce, ground ginger and pumpkin
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Tim Walker
On Wednesday, Walmart workers called out or walked off the job at seven stores in Dallas, according to OUR Walmart activists, the group that has been organizing strikes and protests against the company. The company says that these were not independent actions but the result of activists being bussed
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Bryce Covert