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Two days ago, thirty-two people were arrested -- including 10 elected officials -- during a protest against low wages at LaGuardia Airport in New York City. As with so many airports, the agency that runs LaGuardia, the Port Authority, along with the airlines, contract out a lot of the jobs that make
David Callahan
Here we see the trick to undermining any universalistic program: creating an “us against them” narrative.
Sean McElwee
Just three days before Kevyn Orr, the emergency manager appointed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to run the fiscally strapped city, filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in history, he signed a forbearance agreement with UBS and Bank of America/Merrill Lynch establishing a process to settle
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Wallace C. Turbeville
Business man reading the business section of a newspaper
The people who need attention, and help, are the millions of silent, working poor struggling to put food on the table.
Sean McElwee
Today is the fourth anniversary of Citizens United and in the wake of record electoral spending, the need for an antidote is even more pressing than ever. Luckily, there is one: public financing of elections. We’ve shown how once Connecticut adopted public financing, the legislature passed a slate
J. Mijin Cha
Many affluent Americans are totally clueless about just how little money most people make in this country.
David Callahan
Excerpted from "Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class"
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Ian Haney López
Demos VP Heather McGhee talks to Ian Haney López about his book Dog Whistle Politics and this hidden r
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Some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dreams have certainly come true. But when it comes to closing the economic gap between black and white Americans, we've got a long way to go.
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Jillian Berman
Just three days before Kevyn Orr, the Emergency Manger appointed by Michigan Governor Snyder to run the fiscally strapped City, filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in history, he signed a Forbearance Agreement with UBS and Bank of America/Merrill Lynch establishing a process to settle
Wallace C. Turbeville