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A new paper by Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page sheds more light on the influence that elite economic interests have on policymaking and policy outcomes. Building on their previous work, Gilens and Page test the influence different interest groups- average citizens, economic elites and interest
J. Mijin Cha
When the McCutcheon ruling came down I was sitting in a room with several young African American men and women East Harlem talking about their struggles with employment in a world they said was stacked against them. They constantly talked about race, class, and power—but ultimately believed they
Reniqua Allen
If you're looking to buy a home in nearly any metro area on either coast of America, you know that the real estate boom never actually ended. Sure, prices fell a bit here and there, but the cost of buying a place is still way higher than it was before the boom -- and, for many people, prohibitively
David Callahan

McCutcheon struck down the limit on the total amount that one wealthy donor is permitted to contribute to all federal candidates, parties, and political action committees (PACs) combined.


In November 2014, voters in Montana will face a very important choice: to repeal or to continue SDR. They should keep it.

Damon L. Daniels
One of the Koch brothers stepped from the shadows yesterday to offer a detailed glimpse into his worldview in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.
David Callahan
To understand the importance of early voting, you only need to look at the evolution of television. It used to be that your favorite show came on a certain day, at a certain time.
Brentin Mock
On Wednesday, April 2, the United States Supreme Court ruled that any cap on the overall amount a person can spend to influence an election is unconstitutional. Following on the heels of the court's previous decision in Citizens United, the McCutcheon ruling will allow unlimited spending to
In the media
Sally Kohn
The last two weeks have further intensified the pernicious effect of the dominance of the donor class on the interests of most Americans.
Joseph Hines
Yesterday, by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court struck the aggregate limits on the amount a wealthy individual can give directly to favored candidates, parties, and committees that were challenged in McCutcheon v. FEC. This decision marks a stunning reversal of Buckley v. Valeo, the seminal campaign
Seth Endo