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There is a tendency among elite opinion makers to believe that debt accrued while gaining a college degree is “good debt” that isn’t problematic because, as the thought goes, those with college degrees tend to make enough money to recoup their debt over a lifetime. Student debt is supposedly an
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Mark Heulsman
Sean McElwee
Chairman Harkin, Ranking Member Alexander, and Members of the HELP Committee: I greatly appreciate this opportunity to speak to you about economic security for working women, particularly the experience of women in the retail industry. My name is Amy Traub and I am a senior policy analyst at Dēmos
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Last Thursday, while fast food workers walked out on strike across the US and around the world, another group of stakeholders in the industry was making a similarly direct statement about the way these companies do business.
Catherine Ruetschlin
Graduate wearing cap and gown from behind in black and white
We need a return to valuing equity in higher education.
David Callahan
Activists want to put the brakes on CEO Don Thompson's multimillion dollar pay package. Health advocates are petitioning LeBron James to stop peddling McDonald's junk food to kids. And, hundreds of fast-food workers are expected to protest for higher wages, starting a day before the meeting. All of
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Patrick M. Sheridan
Here's a piece of good news in the fight to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour: Walmart's U.S. president, Bill Simon, said last week that the nation's largest employer, will not oppose such an increase.
David Callahan
In a 2006 “Saturday Night Live” sketch, Chris Parnell sums up the conventional wisdom about credit card debt: “Did you know millions of Americans live with debt they can not control? That’s why I’ve developed this unique new program for managing your debt. It’s called, Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t
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Sean McElwee
When failed Republican presidential candidate and multimillionaire asset-stripper Mitt Romney said this week that he supported an increase in the minimum federal wage to US$10.10 ($11.63), as advocated by President Barack Obama, you knew the sounds of discontent from America's growing underclass
In the media
Peter Huck
Danielle can't afford to give her 3-year-old son gifts on holidays and birthdays. Munira Edens broke her phone three months ago and now goes without one because a repair is too costly. The eldest of six, James Moore tries to help his mother pay household expenses but often can't, because he makes
In the media
Danielle DiFillipo
On Monday, the Massachusetts General Assembly announced election bill H.4072, an omnibus voting package that has been reconciled from 2013 companion bills H.3788 and S. 1975. The final bill, which will take effect beginning in 2016, makes important inroads towards modernizing Massachusetts’
Itohen Ihaza