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Let’s say you have a lucrative industry. Businesses are expanding. Profits are healthy. So what kind of paychecks are the workers bringing home?
Amy Traub
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost big yesterday to Tea Party candidate Dave Brat in his Virginia Republican primary.
Adam Lioz
New data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows Maryland had zero growth in gross domestic product (GDP), a standard measure of economic activity and health.
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Mark Newgent
Heather McGhee , president of Demos: When Sheryl Sandberg and Jill Abramson—women leading powerful institutions in male-dominated industries—ignite our most robust media conversations about gender equality, we feminists face a quandary. Of course feminists want women who are tantalizingly close to
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Heather McGhee
Big news! President Obama announced an Executive Order this afternoon that would extend the protections of Income-Based Repayment to an estimated five million more student borrowers.
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Diane Bukowski
More and more studies are showing that the wealthy and corporations exert disproportionate influence over the U.S. political system.
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Sean McElwee
Attorney General Eric Holder announced a plan of action that included requiring local and state authorities whose territory included tribal lands to place at least one polling place in an area recommended by tribal leaders. Holder went on to explain the difficulties faced by Natives trying to
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Sharon Riddle
Today, I conclude my comment upon the conference, “Erroneous Autonomy: The Catholic Case Against Libertarianism,” held last week and sponsored by Catholic University’s Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies, where I am a visiting fellow. Friday, I looked at some of the main themes of the
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Michael Sean Winters
President Obama signed an executive order Monday that could extend student debt relief to an additional 5 million people — a move aimed in part at better educating young borrowers of their rights while jumpstarting a moribund debate on the issue in Congress.
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E. Tammy Kim
President Obama is expected to announce an Executive Order that would extend the protections of Income-Based Repayment (or more specifically, Pay As You Earn) to student borrowers who took out loans before 2007 or stopped borrowing by 2011.
Mark Huelsman