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As we mentioned during the rollout of Paul Ryan's poverty plan last week, expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit is one of the few anti-poverty measures both parties can agree about (even if they can't come to an agreement on how to fund it).
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Dylan Matthews
It's fair to say most people think of giving to charity as a good thing to do. If we have extra resources, it feels right to help people who are less fortunate.
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Danielle Kurtzleben
What if the poor need more than disposable income to escape poverty? What if they need a life coach?
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Jamelle Bouie
The fall out continues over whether Governor Cuomo's top aid interfered with an ethics commission probe, with some now saying that the state's Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, could have done more to protect the integrity of the investigations, and whether any actual crimes were committed.
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Karen DeWitt
"The steady erosion of state investment in public higher education over the last few decades reflects a stunning abdication of responsibility on the part of states to preserve college affordability."
Joseph Hines
On Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto, Demos Policy Analyst Catherine Ruetschlin explains why ending just-in-time and erratic scheduling leads t
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Demos Policy Analyst Robert Hiltonsmith testifies before the Congressional Progressive Caucus on wage theft and its effects on the earnings of low-income workers.
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Nate Silver has already dubbed the 2014 election as " the least important in years." But this year's midterms are still breaking records for at least one thing: Secret political spending.
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Liz Kennedy
Sean McElwee
Eliminating poverty seems like an impossibly utopian goal, but it's actually pretty easy: we can just give people enough money that they're above the poverty line. That idea, known as a basic income, has been around forever, but it's made a comeback in recent years.
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Dylan Matthews
Whether or not you attended the ninth annual Netroots Nation convention at Cobo Hall last weekend, you may have heard about downtown’s large demonstration against Detroit’s water shutoffs.
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