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This year, Labor Day came on the heels of the annual Jackson Hole conclave of central bankers.
Wallace C. Turbeville
The City of Detroit’s groundbreaking bankruptcy proceeding enters what may be its final phase this week. The court will conduct hearings over the next month or so to decide whether to approve the plan for exiting bankruptcy presented by the emergency appointed by the Michigan Governor under the
Wallace C. Turbeville
More than $11 million in McCutcheon Money has already flowed into this year's mid-term congressional elections.
Adam Lioz

We support rulemaking to require public companies to disclose to shareholders the use of corporate resources for political activities.

Testimony and Public Comment
Liz Kennedy
Stuart Naifeh
(New York, New York) – Almost five years after the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC granted new rights to business corporations to spend unlimited corporate resources to influence elections, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has yet to act to require disclosure of
Press release/statement
When you find a leak, do you jump up and point at it? Yell about it? What if the leak is part of a massive flood? Do you call up your friends and make plans to build a dam? What if the leak comes at you when you’ve been trapped in a basement with floodwater rising up to your neck? Early Wednesday
Jodeen Olguín-Tayler
Michael was a human being. This is a simple truth, Michael’s humanity. Yet it is also implicitly a fragile insight, one that the police indifference to the dignity of his corpse and to the sentiments of his gathering neighbors suggests that many officers failed to grasp.
Ian Haney López
The response to Michael Brown's death is coalescing around a call for an end to the military-police complex, and President Obama has ordered a review of police militarization. But why does this complex exist in the first place?
Lenore Palladino
For a moment, Monday’s funeral for Michael Brown, the young black man shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, pulled our attention away from the protests and militarized police response and back to the body on the street. The police left Michael there in the middle of the
In the media
Ian Haney López
Police brutality and racialized violence have been at the forefront of many conversations in the aftermath of the death of Michael Brown.
Reniqua Allen