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On Election Day, Montana will host one of the country’s key voting rights battles as voters decide whether to preserve or eliminate the state’s Election Day Registration (EDR) law, which permits citizens to register (or update their registration if they’ve recently moved) when they show up at the
In the media
Scott Keyes
Inequality is perpetuated by an engaged, self-interested elite looking out for itself.
Joseph Hines
By offering low-fee checking accounts, Walmart dares to go where most big banks won't. Few major financial institutions are willing to give lower-income Americans checking accounts these days -- without exorbitant fees. But, unlike the big banks, Walmart really needs low-income customers.
In the media
Jillian Berman
Last week, I had the honor to testify in the Senate on Demos' core mission: the intersection of economic and political inequality.
Heather McGhee
Today is National Voter Registration Day. Almost 2,000 partners around the country—student groups, educational institutions, unions, faith groups, civic leagues, libraries, worker centers, and elections agencies—are promoting opportunities for individuals to register to vote. Volunteers will spend
Liz Kennedy
On Sept. 21, an estimated crowd of 100,000 people will flood the streets of Midtown Manhattan to march together on a single issue: climate change. The People’s Climate March, taking place two days before the UN’s global summit on climate, is the culmination of 6 months of planning and outreach by a
Genny Roman
Wealthy estate from overhead
The most accurate threshold to enter the rarefied top 1% of wealthholders, $7,880,400, is almost three times as high as the Census estimates.
Joseph Hines
While the de Blasio administration and the City Council work through the details of a bill that would prohibit employers from reviewing the credit histories of potential hires, liberal advocates are pushing for passage of the strongest possible version of the legislation.
In the media
Andrew Hawkins
If it's hard for the current seniors to retire because of student debt, imagine the struggles the current generations will face. The New York Times recently ran a piece highlighting the growing impact of student debt among older Americans, including the challenge of paying down debt on a fixed
Robert Hiltonsmith

A breakdown of the public policies needed to ensure that all Americans have a chance to move into the middle class and stay there.

Testimony and Public Comment
Heather C. McGhee