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Washington, D.C. – This year has been punctuated by enraging acts that have devalued, debased and destroyed young Black and Brown lives—particularly the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old from Ferguson, Missouri. Leading national health, equity and civil rights groups
Press release/statement
The largest municipal bankruptcy in history has come to a close in Detroit after a year of proceedings, ending in a flurry of compromise. Yet there was plenty of conflict in the last year, far more than could have been predicted. In November 2013, Detroit became the largest city in the country to
Wallace C. Turbeville
Polling showed that 70 percent of respondents believed SDR to be necessary to protect voter participation in Montana, with 66 percent also believing that SDR protects Montana’s democracy overall.
Damon L. Daniels
Like millions of retirees who assumed their companies had taken care of them, Ronald Tussey never thought that his retirement plan might be flawed.
In the media
John Wasik
It’s not often that a local secretary of state candidate can garner national headlines the way Nina Turner did during her campaign in Ohio. Turner, an experienced legislator, had been a strong voice for protecting access to the polls in one of the nation’s most influential states. She had the
Donovan X Ramsey
Yesterday, Justice at Stake and the Brennan Center for Justice released their analysis of campaign spending in the 2014 state judicial elections, providing a detailed look at spending on TV ads. They found almost $14 million was spent on such elections, far surpassing several state records. And
Seth Endo
Political scientist Michael P. McDonald recently released preliminary turnout rates at the state (and national) level. These data are preliminary and will be continuously updated, but still yield some insights. Firstly, we can look at the impact of felon disenfrachisement.
Sean McElwee
No matter who wins each of the hundreds of elections today, one thing's for sure: a relative handful of large donors and spenders are setting the agenda and terms of debate, while the rest of us are on the sidelines.
Adam Lioz
Early voting and Election Day Registration may have boosted turnout
Tova Wang
In my recent Explainer, I discussed the implications of the voting gap on policy and elections. Numerous studies show that in states where low-income voters turnout at a higher rate, inequality is lower. That is because in these chambers, policymakers tend to be more liberal and favorable to
Sean McElwee