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This week, workers gathered on the steps of New York’s City Hall, singing carols to raise awareness about the problem of employment credit checks.
Amy Traub
Does America’s skepticism of the legal system begin and end with a podcast?
Donovan X Ramsey
Walmart is under scrutiny after claims that their political action committee is using illegal methods to persuade employees to donate to its PAC.
Chelsea McKevitt
Americans are ending 2014 with a binge — on credit-card debt. The year that began with a flood of red ink is now seeing credit-card and other debt spiking higher as it comes to an end. Consumers have continued pulling out the plastic this year, with a nearly $16 billion increase in debt in the third
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Catherine Curan
In a speech on the Senate floor on Saturday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called out to the toxic connection between money in politics and financial crisis. Demos' report Stacked Deck found similarly: a rising tide of big money has tilted economic policymaking in favor of the elite.
Joseph Hines
A government shutdown once again loomed, and familiar deadlines and ultimatums flew around Washington. And Congress just used the threat to loosen the rules created in the wake of the financial crisis, a victory for Wall Street banks in their constant and well-funded campaign against reform. The
Wallace C. Turbeville
As turmoil surrounds a potential shutdown around provisions to roll back critical parts of Dodd-Frank, there's new evidence that Wall Street holds more influence than ever in Washington.
Joseph Hines
(New York, NY) – On the heels of the nation’s most expensive mid-term election cycle, where federal political spending hit a $3.7 billion high, the national public policy organization Demos released a new report that examines the inherent racial bias in our big money political system.
Press release/statement
The holiday shopping season is the best time of the year for big retail chains across the United States. But not so much for the people who stock the shelves and ring up the Christmas sales. As holiday gift-seeking shoppers return, retail businesses are hiring. But that does not necessarily mean
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Amy Dean
24 million. That's the estimated number of Americans who would stand to benefit from raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. And this year there were many signs that those who struggle the most have reason for optimism: 2014 has seen an explosion in activity around raising the minimum
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Zeeshan Aleem